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Status code check

Date posted: Feb. 20, 2023, 4:25 a.m.
Problem: customer says "all my sites are down" but doesn't give an example
What does it do?: Checks the http status code of all sites confirmed pointing at this server by IP address
sean@castle-murray.com[~/bash/cpanel] #
IPS=$(hostname -I | sed '$s/.$//' | tr ' ' '|')
domains=$(awk -F ": " '!/*/ {system("echo -e " $1 " $(dig +short " $1 ")")}' /etc/userdomains)
echo "Domains that are pointed here:"
echo "$domains" | grep  -E "$IPS"| awk '{system("echo -e " $0 " $(timeout 3 curl -s -A 'STATUS-TEST' -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' https://" $1"); echo")}' | column -t
echo "domains not pointed here"
echo "$domains" | grep -v  -E "$IPS" | awk '{print $1}'
sean@castle-murray.com[~/bash/cpanel] #
This will not confirm status codes for sites using Cloudflare or other proxy servers.

sean@castle-murray.com[~/bash/cpanel] #
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