Large file finder

Date posted: Nov. 26, 2022, 11:51 p.m.
Problem: no disk space
What does it do?: find large files
Problem: no disk space
What does it do?: find large files[~/bash/cpanel] #
( job(){ width=$((`tput cols`-`echo $1|wc -m`)) offset=$(($width/2)) col=1 while [ $col -lt $offset ] do echo -n " " col=$(($col+1)) done echo -e "$1" } LargeFileLocator(){ task(){ echo "=> $1" echo } check(){ if [ -z $1 ] then dir=$(pwd) fi if [ -d $1 ] then if [ `ls $1|wc -l` -gt 0 ] then cd $1 if [ -z `ls|grep -v "-"|du -h|grep '[0-9]G'|head -1|awk {'print $1'}` ] then echo -e "\tALL LOOKS GOOD IN HERE. ($1)" echo else du -m --max-depth=3|sort -nr|cut -f2|tr \\n \\0|xargs -0 du -sh|sed 's/.\///'|grep -v '[0-9]M\|[0-9]K'|awk -v wd="$(pwd)" '{print wd"/"$2" "$1}'|sort|awk '{print "ATTENTION: "$2" found ==> "$1}'|sed 's/^/\t /'|sed 's/\/\.//' echo fi else echo -e "\tNOTHING FOUND IN HERE. ($1)" echo fi else echo -e "\tNOTHING FOUND HERE. ($1)" fi } clear echo job "LARGE FILE/FOLDER LOCATOR" echo job "`df -h|sed '1d'|grep -v "none\|udev\|tmp"|awk -v svr=$(hostname|cut -d\. -f1) '{print "Currently "$3"("$5") of "$2" used."}'`" job "`df -h|sed '1d'|grep -v "none\|udev\|tmp"|awk -v svr=$(hostname|cut -d\. -f1) '{print $4" of free space is left on "svr}'`" echo echo task "Checking for large orphaned files in home dir:" if [ -z `ls -lah /home |awk {'print $9'}|sed '1,3d'|grep -v "-"|grep -v "......[0-9]"|xargs -I {} du -smh "/home/"{}|grep -o '[0-9]G'|head -1` ] then echo -e "\tALL LOOKS NORMAL IN HERE. (/home)" echo else check "/home"|grep -vw "`echo $(cat /etc/trueuserdomains|awk '{print "/home/"$2}')|sed -e '1,10s/ /.*$\\\|/g'`"|sed '/^.*home$/d' fi task "Looking for large cPanel user folders:" for user in `cat /etc/trueuserdomains | awk '{print $2}'` do if [ `du -ms "/home/"$user|cut -f1` -gt 1000 ] then echo -e "\tcPanel User $user seems pretty large..." check "/home/$user" fi done task "Checking for large standard log files:" check "/var/log" task "Looking for large mysql db's & logs:" check "/var/lib/mysql" task "Looking for large WHM (scheduled) backups:" check "/backup" echo } st=`date +%s` LargeFileLocator et=`date +%s` job "DONE" job "(Execution Time: `expr $et - $st`s)" echo )